性别:男 学位:博士 职称:讲师 系部:道桥地下系 主页:/ 方向:固废基注浆材料;地下工程注浆;隧道结构病害诊断与加固 招生:/ | |
个人简介主要从事固废基注浆材料的研发及配合比优化设计,地下工程注浆加固机理和隧道结构病害成因分析与加固技术等方面的研究。参与国家自然科学基金等科研课题多项。 教育背景2009/09–2013/06,长安大学,道路桥梁与渡河工程,学士 2013/09–2016/09,长安大学,桥梁与隧道工程,硕士 2016/09–2021/03,东南大学,岩土工程,博士 2019/09–2020/09, Western University, 联合培养 工作经历2021/04–至 今,合肥工业大学,黄色直播
,讲师 | |
科研项目[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于地聚合反应的废弃混凝土完全再生利用机理,42072297,2021/01–2024/12,参与; [2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于围岩条件恶化的在役黄土隧道结构性能劣化机理与诊断加固技术研究,51378071,2014/01–2017/12,参与; [3] 校企合作联合科研计划课题,微承压水土层盾构始发近距离穿越重大风险源关键技术研究,2018-2020,参与。 获得奖励代表成果[1] Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, et al. Efficient use of steel slag in alkali-activated fly ash-steel slag-ground granulated blast furnace slag ternary blends[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 259: 119814. [2] Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, et al. Synthesis and characterization of eco-friendly alkali-activated industrial solid waste-based two-component backfilling grouts for shield tunnelling[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 266: 121974. [3] Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, et al. Multi-technical characterization and correlations between properties of standard cured alkali-activated high-calcium FA binders with GGBS as additive[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 241: 117996. [4] Song Weilong, Zhu Zhi duo, Peng Yuyi, et al. Effect of steel slag on fresh, hardened and microstructural properties of high-calcium fly ash based geopolymers at standard curing condition[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 229: 116933. [5] Song Weilong, Lai Hongpeng, Liu Yuyang, et al. Field and laboratory study of cracking and safety of secondary lining for an existing highway tunnel in loess ground[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 88: 35-46. |
联系方式 学院地址:合肥市屯溪路193号 联系电话:0551-62902066 院长信箱:hszb66.com